Summerville — The man who was shot inside a residence here Thursday night and was pronounced dead a short time later has been identified as 32-year-old Jason Thomas Arriolo.
Dorchester County Coroner Christopher D. Nisbet said Arriolo was shot twice and pronounced dead from gunshot wounds at Summerville Medical Center at 9:17 p.m. Thursday.
Police are continuing to investigate the shooting but have provided few details. No one has been charged with a crime.
A brief statement from the Summerville Police Department issued at 2 a.m. said that when police arrived at 311 Hemingway Circle, a townhouse in Central Commons, the homeowner “directed them to the rear of his residence where a male was found with a gunshot wound to his abdomen.”
Emergency medical personnel then arrived and took the gunshot victim to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
An incident report has not yet been released by police.
“A weapon was discharged, and one person has been shot,” said Lt. Thomas Peterson of the Summerville Police Department on Thursday night. “We’re still investigating.”
Though authorities have not revealed how or why Arriolo was shot, he was a convicted felon who had spent time in prison and had an extensive criminal record, according to a background check with the State Law Enforcement Division.
He was a registered sex offender, having been convicted in Berkeley County in 2006 of committing a lewd act on a minor. According to sex offender search results at the Dorchester County Sheriff's website, Arriolo's victim was a 15-year-old girl. ..Source.. by Staff report
Shooting victim identified
The man who shot and killed a Summerville man last Thursday said he feared for his safety.
Robert Wayne Carlisle, 28, of 311 Hemingway Circle, Summerville, told Summerville Police officers he shot 32-year-old Jason Thomas Arriolo when Arriolo kept advancing toward Carlisle in what he believed to be a violent and threatening manner, according to a SPD incident report released Monday.
Officers responding to the call at 311 Hemingway Circle the evening of April 28 found Arrolio in a bedroom in Carlisle’s apartment with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. EMS arrived on the scene shortly after and transported Arrolio to Summerville Medical Center.
Arrolio was pronounced dead at 9:17 p.m., according to Dorchester County Christopher Nisbet.
According to an incident report released by the Summerville Police Department Monday, five people had been drinking and playing cards at Arrolio’s residence, 309 Hemingway Circle, earlier in the afternoon. At some point, they decided to stop playing cards. Three of them, including Robert Wayne Carlisle II, his roommate Matthew D. Shuler, and a female friend decided to go next door to 311, where Carlisle and Shuler live. A few minutes later, the other two, Brandon K. Hester and Arrolio knocked on the door.
They came into Carlisle and Shuler’s apartment and at some point Arriolo began to make advances toward Carlisle. While some of the witnesses said Arriolo appeared to be joking at first, Carlisle became offended when Arriolo kept doing this and told Arriolo and Hester to leave. They did leave, but Arriolo returned a few minutes later, this time acting angry and out of control, according to the report.
Carlisle told officers Arriolo yelled threats and kept advancing toward him, following him to his bedroom, and kept coming at Carlisle even when he retrieved his pistol and told Arriolo to leave. Carlisle said he feared for his safety because Arriolo was much bigger than he is, so Carlisle shot him.
While accounts of the events differ slightly among the witnesses, they all seemed to agree that Arriolo did become angry and acted out of control, according to the report.
The case is still under investigation and no charges have been filed, according to SPD officials. ..Source.. by Jim Tatum